Latest Numbers on COVID-19 Cases in OECD Countries (2020-04-28)

Numbers and trends show that it is becoming increasingly likely that the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic is slowly beginning to subside in almost all Western countries. However, the situation in France, the United Kingdom and Ireland remains rather complicated.
We cannot rule out the possibility that in the following months both France and the United Kingdom might end up in a similar situation as Italy, which has long been considered the greatest “hell” of this pandemic.
Additionally, although the U.S. has also received a lot of media attention because of the outbreak in New York, it is unlikely that the outbreak will reach even half of Italy’s mortality rate, at least nationwide, indicating that the situation in the U.S. is far from being catastrophic.
It is now clear that the countries of Asia and Oceania have coped well with the epidemic, including OECD members, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand.
The results of Mexico (especially compared to America) have been particularly good so far, although it seems that the peak of the coronavirus epidemic is far from coming to a highest point. Not to mention, the testing intensity in Mexico is about 30 times lower than in the U.S.
More numbers in the charts below.