Experts of European Security Programme analyse geopolitical and societal trends in CEE and relevant topics for Lithuanian foreign and security policy. Programme follows pro-Western direction and advocates for democratisation in countries that are strategic partners of Lithuania.


Challenges to the European Security Architecture

The European security order, based on commonly agreed principles, norms and common institutions, such as the EU, NATO, the OSCE and its acquis – the Helsinki Final Act, the Charter of Paris, arms control agreements and confidence and security building measures, is being increasingly challenged today. Russia has emerged as a major contender: having


Russia’s Nazism Narrative Against Lithuania and the Baltic States

The 2017 US Presidential elections were the final wake-up call for the Western Countries to see the full scope of Russian information warfare. For more than a decade Russia was waging an unceasing and far-raging information warfare against NATO and the Western countries and they were caught by surprise. The Baltic Sates, on the other hand, were fighting on the front of i…


EU Budget and the “Failure” of the Baltic States

Even though the most successful years for Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia have been as members of the European Union, Kremlin-sympathetic media claims otherwise. In fact, after the European Council summit on the EU’s 7-year budget ended without a deal due to internal disagreements, Russian media hurried to launch a disinformation campaign against the European Union and t…


Vilnius Consultations | Europe on the Edge: Politics of Grey Zones

Vilnius Consultations is an annual high level foreign policy and security conference. It provides an international platform for policy makers and experts to consult with each other on the burning issues in foreign policy and security. Geographically focused on Central and Eastern Europe and its partners, past editions of Vilnius Consultations explored the concept of Grey Zones, Future of Eastern P…