Latest Numbers on COVID-19 Cases in OECD Countries (2020-04-24)

The gaze of the world during the pandemic is usually focused on just a few countries. It is though worth to take a broader perspective. In the context of “success stories,” for example, the situation in Greece seems to be getting increasingly more interesting. As data shows, it not only stands out from other Southern European states, but is also in essentially the same situation as, for example, Lithuania.
Not only that, the morbidity rate in Greece is more than twice as greater than it is in Lithuania. Surely, this indicator may be explained by the relatively low intensity of testing. According to the testing indicator, Greece lags behind Lithuania almost 6 times per 100 thousand inhabitants. However, the mortality rate, which is also higher than in Lithuania, shows that the situation in Greece is relatively good.
Meanwhile, looking at countries with the most difficult situations, it is worth noting that there are no signs that the epidemic has reached its peak in the United Kingdom.
Albeit Greek situation in terms of morbidity may still seem fairly moderate, it should be noted that the United Kingdom, just like France, stands out with its extremely low testing intensity. It is almost twice as low in the United Kingdom as in the United States and about three times lower than in Italy. And the mortality rate in the UK is already the fifth worst among OECD countries.